
School of Commons, Zurich University of the Arts

Eligibility Criteria (and beyond) is an ongoing research that explores the ways in which eligibility criteria create barriers in the lives of artists.

The art world and systemic inequalities are phrases that go hand in hand, the former being highly visible and the latter not that much. Although Covid-19 pandemic gave us an adjective, unprecedented, to define our time, our art world maintained its precedented requirements to determine who gets access to what. It is still very unlikely to read 'anyone can apply' to art open calls while we all memorized the sentence structure for who can apply: Artists of a certain-nationality, based in certain-places, younger than certain-years-old, and yes graduates of that certain-school, among other restrictions.

This research questions who is neglected in the categorisation of eligibility criteria, and how this neglect affects the production of new art works. It explores how criteria reproduce oppression through bureaucracy and aims to start a dialogue between artists to re-examine application requirements in art open calls. Throughout this research residency, I will have conversations with artists, define eligibility together, and write a collective manifesto for an open call open to all. Together we will also walk around intersecting subjects of eligibility as the discussions appear.

Follow the updates here ︎︎︎ Eligibility Criteria (and beyond)

PhD Research in Media and Arts Technology, Queen Mary University of London

My PhD research in Media and Arts Technology at Queen Mary University of London focused on people’s experience with interactive systems. I investigated how familiarity with technologies affect people’s perception of experience by using quantitative and qualitative research methods. I have published my PhD research in BHCI '18 and ELO '19, exhibited the process at Ars Electronica '18 & '20, The Glucksman Gallery '19, and Studio-X Istanbul '19, and delivered public talks about interactive art internationally. 

MSc Research in Cognitive Science & Language Technology, University of Trento & Saarland University

I completed my master studies in the Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT), and my research was about combining metaphor comprehension models with knowledge mismatch.

In this thesis, it is aimed to answer whether the processing of a metaphor is different when the addressee is naive to the context of the metaphor use compared to when the addressee knows about the context of the metaphor. Therefore, an eye-tracking experiment, which allows dissociating between early and later processing stages of metaphor comprehension, was conducted to show whether different contextual factors influence the time it takes to process novel metaphors. The analyses of regression path durations suggest that supportive context facilitates processing of the metaphorical expressions but only when the addressee is aware of such context. The results reveal the importance of perspective taking in real-time metaphor comprehension.

The abstract and the thesis can be found in ︎︎︎ LCT-theses archive

Linguistic Data Annotation, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento

I completed a 5-month work placement at NLP unit in Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Povo, Italy. I worked for the ‘Creative Language Recognition and Generation for Advertising’ project supervised by Carlo Strapparava.

My roles included: (1) researching existing datasets for figurative language, and adapting existing datasets for current research; (2) identifying sources of online ads; (3) adding >100 online ads to the database; (4) annotating online adds in the following way; determine if each slogan has any rhetorical figures based on ’Taxonomy of Rhetorical Figures’, determine if each slogan has positive, negative or neutral emotion, determine if there is a use of negation, note down confidence level. At the last phase of the project, I also worked with other researchers from FBK to (5) agree/disagree on annotation.