
The Bureau
Bureau of Commons is a self-declared territory made of a blue plastic sheet. A performance-installation, the Bureau authorizes people to reflect on Free Movement of Persons collectively.
The Bureau operates on any territory depending on the performers’ freedom of movement. Currently, the Bureau has the right to live and work in Turkey, and is allowed to enter to the Schengen Area until September 2022.
The Bureau is in the process of applying for a Creative Worker Visa to be eligible to work in the UK in August 2022.

How to join?
To be eligible to enter, you need to:
︎take a step.
Host the Bureau
If you are interested in hosting an edition in your city, please get in touch at bureauofcommons@gmail.com
Each edition of the Bureau is built and performed specifically for the city in which the Bureau appears. The first edition, Zürich, was initiated during a residency with the School of Commons in 2021 as part of the Eligibility Criteria (and beyond) lab. The second edition, Venice, is run independently. The Bureau aims to run further editions, in collaboration with people who would like to join the conversation about right to free movement.