About | Hakkında


Betül Aksu (b. 1990, Izmir) is an artist who explores how boundaries appear in everyday life. She focuses on the notions of familiarity, repetition and categorisation, and the influence of bureaucratic infrastructures on our relationship with movement, freedom and language. She is interested in collaborative modes of working that initiate dialogues about precarious living and working conditions in the art worlds.

Betül Aksu holds a BA in Linguistics from Hacettepe University, an MSc in Cognitive Science from Trento University, an MSc in Language Science and Technology from Saarland University, and studied for a PhD in Media and Arts Technology at Queen Mary University of London. She was a 2023/2024 fellow within the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, participated in the Istanbul Biennial Production and Research Programme (2022) and the School of Commons Research Residency (2021-2022). In 2023, she founded sezon, an independent art space based in Izmir, Turkey set out to explore the politics and poetics of change. Her recent solo exhibitions include Permessus at AVTO (Istanbul, 2024) and hold, place, transfer ↵ repeat at Material (Zurich, 2024).

She is currently a resident artist at SAHA Studio, Istanbul.

Betül Aksu (d. 1990, İzmir) günlük hayatta sınırların nasıl ortaya çıktığını inceleyen bir sanatçıdır. Aşinalık, tekrar ve kategorizasyon kavramlarına odaklanır ve bürokratik altyapıların hareket, özgürlük ve dil ile olan ilişkimiz üzerindeki etkisini inceler. Sanat dünyalarındaki güvencesiz yaşam ve çalışma koşulları hakkında diyaloglar başlatan işbirlikçi çalışma biçimleri ile ilgilenir.

Betül Aksu Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde Dilbilim lisansı, Trento Üniversitesi'nde Bilişsel Bilimler yüksek lisansı, Saarland Üniversitesi'nde Dil Bilimi ve Teknolojisi yüksek lisansı derecelerini tamamladı ve Queen Mary University of London’da Medya ve Sanat Teknolojisi doktora eğitimi aldı. BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice (2023/2024), İstanbul Bienali Çalışma ve Araştırma Programı (2022) ve School of Commons Araştırma Programı’na (2021-2022) seçildi. 2023 yılında İzmir merkezli, değişimin politikasını ve şiirselliğini keşfetmek üzere yola çıkan bağımsız sanat alanı sezon’u kurdu. Son kişisel sergileri arasında AVTO’daki Permessus (İstanbul, 2024) ve Material’deki hold, place, transfer ↵ repeat (Zürih, 2024) yer almaktadır.

Şu anda İstanbul’daki SAHA Studio’da konuk sanatçı olarak çalışmaktadır. 

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Queen Mary University of London, PhD in Media and Arts Technology (not completed)
Saarland University, Master of Science in Language Science and Technology
University of Trento, Master of Science in Cognitive Science
Hacettepe University, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English Linguistics

Fellowship & Residency

SAHA Studio, Istanbul 
BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht & Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV)
The Istanbul Biennial Production and Research Programme, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV)
School of Commons READ Fellowship, Zürich University of the Arts
AltCity Istanbul Digital Arts Residency, British Council & Zorlu PSM

Solo Exhibitions

Permessus, AVTO, İstanbul
hold, place, transfer ↵ repeat, Material, Zürich

Group Exhibitions

New Lands, curated by Necmi Sönmez, Arkas Sanat Alaçatı, İzmir
Sidestep/reproduced//insolently, 5533, curated by Fırat Yusuf Yılmaz, İstanbul
öncesi, sezon, İzmir
If It Is A Garden That Has Become A Wilderness, School of Commons, Zürich
Hikayeler yürür, Kasa Gallery, curated by Emre Akaltın, Istanbul
This is not a chance encounter, Journeys Festival International, Leicester
Young Fresh Different 11, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul
Kronos Orada Değildi, altatölye, curated by İrem Hasçiftçi Kurt, Ankara
Coulisse, Mixer, curated by Eda Öztürk, Istanbul


Global Talent, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
Still in my quotidian, with Siwar Kraytem, Alev Ersan and Hanieh Fatouraee, de Appel, Amsterdam
Bureau of Commons - London entry, Victoria Park, London
Bureau of Commons - Venice entry, Venice, Arsenale & Giardini
officialese: from Taksim Gezi Park to Tünel and back, School of Commons, Istanbul
Bureau of Commons - Zürich entry, with the School of Commons, Zürich
Here Eyes Under The Bridge, with Tara Fatehi Irani, LADA, London


öncesi, sezon, İzmir
This is not a chance encounter, Journeys Festival International, Leicester


Emir kipinden süzülerek, katlar arası, Unlimited Publications, 2024
This is not a chance encounter, exhibition booklet, 2022
Adım Adım Büyücü ve Bahçe, manifold, 2022
We scan your documents on your behalf, in School of Commons Issues, 2022
Merits of Eligibility: rethinking criteria in art open calls, in School of Commons Issues, 2021
Reason: Other personal, in Researching the Researcher, published by the School of Commons, 2021


The Imagined Reality of Betül Aksu’s “Permessus”, Alfonse Chiu, ArtAsiaPacific (HK), 2024, review
Free Verse // Closed Circuit: The Words and Works of Betül Aksu, Amy Gowen, The Contrapuntal (NL), 2024, review
Sınır müzakereleri: Betül Aksu ile Permessus’un tahayyülü üzerine, Fırat Yusuf Yılmaz, Argonotlar (TR), 2024, interview
Dilin yol boyu sezgiyle ifadesi, Burçak Fakıoğlu Yakıcı, Unlimited Publications (TR), 2024, review 
Yaratıcı Sürecin Değişkenleri: SAHA Studio’da Sanatçılarla Ara Dönem Buluşması, Serra Oruç, Artful Living (TR), 2024, interview
Ve Diğer İşler podcast, 2024
Yaratıcı Eylem ve Sanatsal Üretim - Ezgi Bakçay & Betül Aksu, Part 1, Part 2, yermekân podcast, 2023