From Dada to Java (2016)

Video, 12’48’’
In collaboration with Victor Loux, Sophie Skach, and Zhou Tang

A short documentary about generative poetry & Twitter bots.

“Is the Twitter bot a new literary form? It’s a question that has been floating around for a while. In From Dada to Java: conversations about generative poetry & Twitter bots, Sophie Skach, Betül Aksu, Victor Loux, and Zhou Tang speak to artists and theorists about how generative works can sit side by side with literature’s greats. Coming as a continuation from avant-garde practices such as Dada and Oulipo, the bot lives comfortably in randomness and offers a chance to value the computer’s art as a product in and of itself.”  Decorating Dissidence

Exhibition | Sergi

2020 Decorating Dissidence: Take Dada Seriously? (It’s Worth It?), Guest Projects London (online)
2016 Intersections, Mile End Art Pavilion, London

︎︎︎ From Dada to Java is included in the Internet Archive
︎︎︎ From Dada to Java is reviewed by Procedural Generation, and by Urszula Pawlicka-Deger
︎︎︎ From Dada to Java inspired a title in the book “Digital Media and Textuality: From Creation to Archiving